Privacy policy
Terms and conditions

This page contains a shortened version of our Privacy policy and Terms and conditions. You can read full document here.

General obligations of Turisticna agencija HIKEANDBIKE, Gregor Šilc s.p. and Maja Šilc s.p. or Hike&Bike Slovenia (HBS) for activities, accommodation and packages & deals


All reservations must be made in written form by email. By confirming a reservation, the customer confirms that he/she is aware of the Terms and Conditions of HBS and fully comprehends and accepts these terms.

To guarantee the reservation a 30% deposit is required. For bookings made within 14 days of arrival, full payment is required. The customer is obligated to provide any information required for the reservation process.


Upon receiving a booking, we will send you written confirmation. With written confirmation we guarantee all services as per our program.


A 30 % deposit is required at booking. The remaining 70% must be received at least 14 days before arrival. HBS has the right to cancel a reservation in case the payment has not been received within the agreed terms. Payment can be made via bank transfer.


All HBS clients must have valid travel documentation. Respect and abide by all customs and foreign exchange regulations of the destination country. Respect and abide by all customs and foreign exchange regulations as well as the laws and other regulations of the Republic of Slovenia as well as other countries through which he/she passes through or resides in.

Inquire whether or not he/she requires a visa for the destination country as well as neighboring countries. In the event the client is unable to continue the trip as a result of being in direct violation of these regulations, the traveler is responsible for all related expenses.

Abide by the house rules of the accommodation unit as well as cooperate with the service provider in a well – intentioned manner. Present the service provider in the document proving paid service (voucher received via e-mail or fax).


HBS advise guests to arrange travel insurance covering the costs of accidents or death, treatment of illnesses, transport home and loss or damage of luggage and similar.


HBS ensures services according to the information published and valid at the time of the confirmation of reservation, and according to the description and travel period in accordance with confirmed reservations except in circumstances beyond HBS’s control such as illness of the service provider or his/her immediate family, outstanding circumstances which cannot be foreseen nor eliminated (natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, sanitary disruptions, fires, droughts, wars, strike, terrorist actions and limitations issued by the government mobilization, country exit ban).


Every change in the reservation has to be previously confirmed and agreed with HBS.


In the event the client wishes to change or cancel a confirmed reservation he/she must do so in writing (via e-mail). Changes or cancellations by telephone are not permitted and will not be accepted. In the event that the client should request to make a change or cancel a confirmed reservation, the date on which the written cancellation is received, during regular HBS’s working hours, will represent the basis for the cost calculation. If the written cancellation is received outside regular HBS’s working hours, the cancellation date which will represent the ground for calculating cancellation costs will be the following working day of HBS.

The cancellation charges will be calculated as follows:

More than 30 days before arrival date, 10% of the total amount, but not less than 20 €

29-21 days before arrival date, 20% of the total amount

20-14 days before arrival date, 30% of the total amount

13-10 days before arrival date, 50% of the total amount

9-4 days before arrival date, 80% of the total amount

3-0 days before arrival date, 100% of the total amount

In the case of no-show, all reserved services will be charged.


Each customer – reservation holder has a right to file a complaint if the paid services were not provided. If the services provided are not satisfactory, the customer is required to immediately notify HBS about the inadequate service and file a complaint on the day of his/her arrival at the location of the service provider and to inform HBS by email at or or by phone at +386 31 374 660 or +386 31 353 845 (customer service working hours). The customer is obligated to cooperate with HBS’s representative as well as with the service provider in a well-intentioned manner so that the cause of the complaint can be resolved.

If upon arrival the customer is not satisfied with the state of the accommodation and leaves the accommodation on his own initiative and finds another accommodation without giving HBS a chance to resolve the issue, correct the cause of the discontent, or find other accommodation for the client, the client does not have a right to request a refund or make a claim for compensation, regardless of the fact that his/her reasons were justified or not.

The client should accept the proposed solution which corresponds with the service rendered on the spot, HBS will not take additional complaints into consideration or respond to them.

If the problem is not resolved on the spot following an intervention, the client is obligated to submit a written complaint along with supporting documents as well as any photographs to support the complaint to the agency by email at or not later than 60 days following the return of the client from his/her trip. HBS shall only take into consideration fully documented complaints which are received within the 60-day deadline.

HBS is obligated to make a written solution to the complaint within 8 days of receipt of the written complaint. HBS can postpone the deadline in order to collect the evidence and check the claim quotes with the service provider but not for more than 8 days. HBS will take into consideration only those claims whose cause could not be resolved on the spot.

HBS can not be held responsible for climate conditions, nor for other similar situations and events which can result in the dissatisfaction of clients and are not a direct result of the accommodation unit or activity provided (for example, bad weather, improperly maintained beaches, crowds, lost or stolen property and such).

If the customer decides to book the special LAST MINUTE deal, then he accepts all risks of such travel. These journeys include the uncertainty of the facts upon which the agency can not influence, and the customer primarily due to the price accepted such a trip and therefore has no right of complaint to the agency.


HBS reserves the right to make changes of reservations in the event of circumstances which cannot be predicted, avoided or eliminated. A reserved accommodation unit can only be changed with prior notification to the traveler for an accommodation unit of the same category or of a higher category and at the price at which the client confirmed the reservation. If the replacement accommodation is only possible in a higher-category unit where the price is 15% higher than the price of the paid reservation, HBS reserves the right to charge the client for the difference in agreement with the client. In the event a replacement accommodation unit cannot be arranged, HBS reserves the right to cancel the reservation and notify the client prior to the beginning of the service and guarantee a full refund of the paid amount. If HBS cancels a reservation, the traveler is not entitled to any compensation from HBS and HBS is only obligated to refund the amount paid to HBS’s account. If an adequate replacement unit is not available on the day of the commencement of the service, HBS will make an effort to provide the client with information on possible alternative arrangements.

Varstvo osebnih podatkov

Turistična agencija HIKEANDBIKE, Gregor Šilc s.p. in podjetje Maja Šilc s.p., s kratico HBS, Stara Fužina 117, 4265 Bohinjsko jezero, elektronski naslov, je upravljavec z osebnimi podatki.

HBS se zavezuje, da bo posredovane osebne podatke varovala v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1). Vsi posredovani podatki bodo obravnavani strogo zaupno in za namen, zaradi katerega so bili posredovani.

Osebne podatke posameznika HBS obdeluje in jih hrani za dosego namena, zaradi katerega jih je posameznik posredoval: komunikacijo preko obrazca za povpraševanje do preklica privolitve.

Pri obravnavi posredno in neposredno posredovanih podatkov nas obvezuje Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov, s katerim se določajo pravice, obveznosti, načela in ukrepi, s katerimi se preprečujejo neustavni, nezakoniti in neupravičeni posegi v zasebnost in dostojanstvo posameznika oziroma posameznice pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov. Podlago za zbiranje osebnih podatkov predstavlja kontaktni obrazec, na katerega oseba zapiše svoje ime, priimek in e-poštni naslov.

HBS se obvezuje, da podatkov ne bo posredovala tretjim osebam, prav tako ne izven EU, EGP in mednarodnim organizacijam tega prostora, razen kadar je to v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo. V času upravljanja z osebnimi podatki ima posameznik pravico vpogleda, prepisa, kopiranja, dopolnitve, popravkov, blokiranja in izbrisa osebnih podatkov v zbirki podatkov, skladno z veljavno zakonodajo.

HBS bo pridobljene podatke varovala ter preprečevala njihovo zlorabo. Osebni podatki bodo uporabljeni le za namene, za katere je uporabnik dal svoje soglasje. HBS se zavezuje, da bo zbrane podatke hranila le toliko časa, kolikor bo nujno potrebno za dosego namena, zaradi katerega so bili zbrani. Po prenehanju potrebe po vodenju osebnih podatkov oz. na podlagi pisnega preklica uporabnika (na e-naslov se podatki izbrišejo oziroma se uničijo nosilci podatkov.

Uporabniki imajo kadarkoli pravico ​zahtevati spremembo oziroma izbris svojih osebnih podatkov ​preko e-naslov Podatki bodo izbrisani v najkrajšem možnem času.

Zloraba podatkov

Zavezujemo se, da bomo varovali vaše osebne podatke v skladu z GPDR. V kolikor bi prišlo do zlorabe podatkov, vas bomo o tem obvestili na vaš e-poštni naslov v najkrajšem možnem času, vendar ne kasneje kot v 72 urah od ugotovitve zlorabe.


Spletna stran je postavljena in vzdrževana z največjo možno mero skrbnosti. Kljub temu HBS ne jamči za ažurnost, točnost ali pravilnost vseh informacij na strani. Vse informacije se lahko spremenijo brez predhodnega obvestila.


Piškotki so majhne datoteke z informacijami, ki se začasno shranijo na vaš računalnik. Ko se piškotki namestijo na vaš računalnik, o tem niste obveščeni. Glavni namen piškotkov je, da spletni strežniki prepoznajo vaš računalnik in spletni brskalnik, prilagodijo spletno stran ter poskrbijo za enostavnost in hitrost. Piškotki nam omogočijo, da vam prikažemo pravilne informacije, ki jih iščete in vas zanimajo. Z zbiranjem in pomnjenjem informacij o vaših nastavitvah spletnega mesta s pomočjo piškotkov lahko zagotovimo boljšo spletno stran in trženjske izkušnje. Piškotki nam ne dajejo dostopa do računalnika in podatki, ki jih zbiramo preko piškotkov, ne vključujejo osebnih podatkov.

Kaj so piškotki?

Piškotki so majhne tekstovne datoteke, v katerih brskalnik (Chrome, Edge, Firefox itd.) shranjuje podatke za pomoč prikaza in delovanja spletnih strani.

Nekateri piškotki so nujni za delovanje in varnost spletnih strani, drugi pa služijo kot pomoč za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje, zbiranje statistike obiskanosti spletne strani in podobno.

Obvezni piškotki

Obvezni piškotki so nujni za nemoteno delovanje spletnih strani in ne zbirajo nobenih osebnih informacij. Naložijo se ob prvem obisku spletne strani.

Analitični piškotki

Analitični piškotki so namenjeni zbiranju statistike obiska spletne strani, pregledu naprav s katerimi obiskovalci najpogosteje obiščejo naše spletne strani in podobno.
Ti piškotki se naložijo po vaši privolitvi.

Oglaševalski piškotki

Oglaševalski piškotki nam omogočajo, da vam na socialnih omrežjih, spletnih iskalnikih itd. prikazujemo tiste oglase, za katere menimo, da so za vas najbolj ustrezni.
Ti piškotki se naložijo po vaši privolitvi.

Piškotki tretjih oseb (3rd party cookies)

To so piškotki, katere nastavijo zunanji ponudniki storitev (YouTube, Google Maps itd.) in na njih nimamo vpliva.

Na naši spletni strani uporabljamo sledeče piškotke:

PH_HPXY_CHECKvarnost spletnega mestado zaprtja sejelastni
wfwaf-authcookie-*varnost spletnega mesta1 danlastni
moove_gdpr_popupnastavitev piškotkov1 letolastni
wordpress_test_cookiepreverjanje delovanja piškotkovdo zaprtja sejelastni
wp-settings-1, wp-settings-time-1uporabniška izkušnja1 letolastni
Spletna trgovina
tk_aispletna trgovinado zaprtja sejelastni
wp_woocommerce_session_*spletna trgovinado zaprtja sejelastni
woocommerce_cart_hashkošarica spletne trgovine1 danlastni
woocommerce_items_in_cartizdelki v košaricido zaprtja sejelastni
mailerlite:webforms:shownprikazovanje obrazca za prijavo na novicetrajenMailerLite
_ga, _ga_*Unikatni identifikator2 letiGoogle Analytics
_gidUnikatni identifikator1 danGoogle Analytics
_gatUravnavanje števila zahtevkov1 minutaGoogle Analytics
_gcl_austatistika konverzijtrajenGoogle AdSense
_fbpFacebook analitika3 meseceFacebook